Kehlani’s parenting has come under intense scrutiny after her ex-partner, Javaughn Young-White, filed for full custody of their daughter, Adeya, in Los Angeles County Superior Court on July 24. Young-White’s petition alleges that Kehlani’s involvement with a “cult” and her mental health issues make her unfit to care for their child. He is also requesting a psychological evaluation of the singer.
Young-White claims that Kehlani’s connection to the group, which he alleges “controls her actions,” has led to inappropriate care for their daughter, including unverified accusations of cult members performing questionable activities with the child. He expressed concern over being barred from seeing Adeya due to the cult’s leader allegedly warning that he posed a danger to their daughter. Young-White is seeking the court’s intervention to protect Adeya from what he describes as potential abuse and neglect.
Kehlani Faces Backlash Over Chris Brown Photo
Aside from the custody battle, Kehlani is facing backlash for being spotted with Chris Brown, whose legal problems make him a contentious figure. A photo posted by Brown on Instagram that featured Kehlani set off a wave of criticism from fans on social media platforms. They reminded her that she had once taken out Tory Lanez from one of her songs because of some involving him in a widely publicized incident but ended up being seen with Chris Brown who openly made hurtful comments about her when she tried committing suicide in 2016. This raised several questions regarding whether Kehlani should be friends with Chris or if he had no business telling her what to do.
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