Lawyer Admits Guilt in Bomb Attempt
Lawyer Admits Guilt in Bomb Attempt

Florida Lawyer Admits Guilt in Bomb Attempt Near Chinese Embassy

The lawyer from Florida has come out to confess that he attempted to blow up explosives outside the Chinese embassy located in Washington D.C. Christopher Rodriguez a criminal defense attorney from Panama City in Florida confessed of having placed a backpack containing explosive materials close to the embassy in September. Rodriguez intended to cause detonation by shooting at it with a rifle but missed making the device unresponsive. His DNA which was found on the backpack led to his arrest.

He also admitted to damaging a controversial sculpture located in Texas. It was satire artwork depicting communist leaders Mao Zedong and Vladimir Lenin executed by Gao Brothers. In November 2022, Rodriguez left Florida for San Antonio, Texas where he placed explosive canisters on this sculpture and shot it hence causing serious destruction. This act was captured on security cameras however Rodriguez claimed that he did because he did not want stand for communism.

Rodriguez has pleaded guilty to charges that include damaging property used by a foreign government, malicious use of explosives and possessing an unregistered firearm alongside other similar offences. As per plea agreement terms, he might end up serving between seven or ten years behind bars followed by three years of parole period after his release from prison. Since November 2023 when he was arrested, Rodriguez has been held in custody.